Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The media has turned against McCain - Who couldn't see that one coming?

John McCain was the darling of big media during the Republican primaries.  He was the maverick, the man who could reach across the aisle to appeal to "mainstream" voters.  He was the man hand-picked by the press to be the G.O.P. nominee for president.  Now they've turned on him.  

Wow!  What a shocker.  Who could have predicted that?

Well, Saint Louis Conservative for one.  In my very first post on this site, back in February, I wrote, that the Democrats and "independents" voting for McCain in Super Tuesday primaries weren't "likely to vote for him in the general election, just like his friends in the media aren't going to support him over Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama."  This was no great insight.  It was as obvious as a Bill Clinton lying about his dalliance with Monica Lewinsky.

But at least McCain is fighting back.  Take a look at the new video that his campaign has put together splicing clips of media-types gushing over Obama and setting them to music (your choice of song).  Chris Matthews seems particularly excited.

1 comment:

thetimman said...

I'm only gonna say this one more time. I did not have sexual relations with that woman...............................................................................................................Ms. Lewinsky. And I did not lie to the American people. Not one time never.