Friday, November 28, 2008

Reading Material for 2009

An Australian professor of geology, Ian Plimer, gave a speech this week titled Human-Induced Climate Change - A Lot of Hot Air.  Plimer's contention is that "climates always change . . . climates have always changed and they always will."  (The speech is discussed in this column by Miranda Devine in yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald.)

According to Dr. Plimer, this change results from planetary wobbles, the varying distance between the sun and the earth, variations in solar radiation, etc., not from greenhouse gasses produced human society.

Plimer showed that the earth's climate has always been fluctuating for at least 110,000 years, when the "Pleistocene Ice Age" began.  This period ended with the 800-year-long "Bolling warm period" about 14,700 years ago, which preceded the "Older Dryas cooling," which was followed by the "Allerod warming," and then "the Little Ice Age" from 1300 a.d. to 1850.  Since then, the earth has experienced "one of the most stable climate periods in history."
In addition, Dr. Plimer has completely debunked the idea that increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere results in global warming by simply charting CO2 levels and temperature.  The chart shows "little correlation" and "demonstrates one of the 'lessons from history' to which geologists are privy:  'There is no relationship between CO2 and temperature."

Apparently the global warming nuts aren't privy to geologists.

Dr. Plimer has a new book coming out in 2009, Heaven and Earth:  The Missing Science of Global Warming.

Is there any chance that we can get Al Gore to add it to his summer reading list?

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