Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is $750 really a "significant penalty"? Nope. It's an incentive to employers to drop health insurance for their employees.

Here's the lead on an Associated Press healthcare article from David Espo . . . "Businesses would not be required to provide health insurance under legislation being readied for Senate debate, but large firms would owe significant penalties if any worker needed government subsidies to buy coverage on their own, according to Democratic officials familiar with talks on the bill."  (Link here.)

That, of course, is the spin.  Democrats and members of the media (redundant, I know) tell us that Obamacare won't result in government-run healthcare because folks with insurance through their employers will keep it.  The employers won't, they say, drop insurance coverage for their employees and toss them onto the "public option" because of those "significant penalties."

Espo details those "significant penalties" in his article . . . "For firms with more than 50 employees, the fee could be as high as $750 multiplied by the total size of the work force."

$750 per employee.  $750.  Any guesses what a employers pay now for health insurance for their employees?  I think that it is virtually certain that they're paying more than $750 per employee.

What we've got in this "healthcare reform" bill, folks, is a massive financial incentive to employers to drop their health insurance plans.  No more insurance premiums, just a $750 fine.

Why would the Democrats want to create such an incentive?  Because it is all about the "public option," a.k.a nationalized healthcare, a.k.a. socialized medicine.

And that's what this is really all about.

Be careful.  Be vigilant.  Be strong and be smart.  The fight against socialism in America isn't over.  Far from it.

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